Bullet points:
*We love animals of all kinds, but especially dogs. 😉
*We love petsitting.
*We miss the Wild Animal Park (now called San Diego Safari Park).

LUVZ me. some doggy kisses and melt my heart with a purring kitten on my chest. When our friends go out of town we enjoy tremendously staying at their home with their furry babies. Well… sometimes not so furry as it was the case of Abernathy the python a few days ago. Snakes are not my ‘comfort’ animals, but I am highly intrigued by them. Respectful distance and admiration is the tone. I’ll reach in the terrarium to feed and refill the water bowl, but… cautiously.

We’ve been members of the San Diego Zoological Society for over 2 decades; since we lived in San Diego a couple of summers right out of college. Those days, we’d take almost daily trips to the zoo on our ‘lunch break’. Loved it. Developed ‘relationships’ with many of the animals there. Figured out our favorite paths and the best spots for sitting quietly for a snack (i.e.: Koala enclosure). Over the years we’d make it out there for business or pleasure two or three times per year. Sometimes just to go see the elephants, especially Kami, with whom I share a birthday…

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